Za Autobahn

I don't speak a single lick of German, but I feel so comfortable on the Autobahn!
It's my first day here and I'm already driving 140kph all the way up 175kph so far on unfamiliar roads and it's just awesome to see cars almost .5mi ahead of you pull to the side to let you pass. It's a great feeling that makes you feel like the human race still has hope =P
It's the total opposite of California drivers that slow down to the speed limit and refuse to move over when you come up on them. Try coming up to a BMW driver in LA @ 100mph... They never move over! =(
Someone asked me why the autobahn doesn't have a speed limit--
I reason it has to do with 3 things: the roads, the machines and the drivers.
The roads are silky smooth and perfect, the machines are built to handle at speed and the driver's licensing process here makes the US's look like a game of pin the tail on the donkey (i.e. any idiot can get a license in the USA)
I'm at home here driving on the autobahn. It's just so invigorating averaging 160kph and being able to open up the car when space allows and NOT have to worry about Crown Victorias and quota obsessed cops writing you a fat speeding ticket. I just wish I could have brought MY car (the VW GLI) over so I'd finally be able to make use of my 6th gear at 5000+rpm =)
Gee. Must be nice to have a car.
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