Saturday, May 20, 2006

Church here is awesome. (You didn't know? 94% of Spain is Catholic) I've never seen a black messiah before. It's an ominous looking figure of Jesus. No wonder everyone's so devout =P I could have sworn this image was clearer when I took it...

Anyway, mass was ok. It seems that every time I pass by the Church, there's a mass going which is awesome because after mass, everyone goes to the bars across the street.

Mass is good, because it means the bars are open!

The bars are right across the street and when I say street, I mean American size alley. I can pretty much look out from inside the Church and see across the street into the bar and tell you what the grandmas inside are drinking.

So here you go to mass, and then go drink.

Why can't the US be more like this? =P


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